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Kubernetes 노드가 죽은 후에 재-스케쥴링 되지 않음

by Joseph.Lee 2021. 8. 21.

Node 하나가 예기치 않게 종료되었는데 거기서 돌던 Pod들이 rescheduling되지 않았다.


Node는 NotReady 상태, 파드들은 대부분 Terminating 상태에서 멈춰있었다.




Pods are not moved when Node in NotReady state · Issue #55713 · kubernetes/kubernetes

Is this a BUG REPORT or FEATURE REQUEST?: Uncomment only one, leave it on its own line: /kind bug What happened: To simulate a crashed worker node I stopped the kubelet service on that node (Debian...



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